Any corrections or updates please contact me (jake [at]
- 147.090+ W0HSC (Fusion)
- Linked to CQ-NODAK room on Wires-X
- 442.500+ W0JPJ (Fusion)
- Linked full time to The DARC Room on Wires-X
- 443.400+ K0RQ (Fusion/D-STAR/DMR)
- 444.000+ KD0SWQ (D-STAR)
- Linked to Reflector XLX362A
- Linked to Reflector XLX362A
- 444.625+ KD0IOE (DMR)
- See more information on available talkgroups and codeplugs
Red River Valley:
- Grand Forks, ND: 147.330+ N0LAC (Fusion)
- Linked to CQ-NODAK room on Wires-X
- Wahpeton, ND: 443.800+ W0END (Fusion)
- Linked to CQ-NODAK room on Wires-X
- Karlstad, MN: 146.655- KB0ISW (Fusion)
- Linked to The DARC Room
- Bemidji: 147.180+ W0BJI (Fusion)
Rooms/Reflectors/Talkgroups Fargo and RRV hams typically connect on:
- CQ-NODAK (Fusion): This room is hosted by North Dakota State University, and is linked to several North Dakota repeaters. Also available on YSF Reflector 62208.
- MINWIS (Fusion): Hosted by the Bakken Amateur Radio Society in Ham Lake, MN, and typically linked to 20+ repeaters in Minneapolis and greater Minnesota.
- THE DARC ROOM (Fusion): Hosted by the Digital Amateur Radio Club in Little Falls, MN and is typically linked to 20+ repeaters in North, Central, and Southern Minnesota. Also bridged to FCS 004-29.
- Talkgroup 3138 (DMR): North Dakota Statewide
- Talkgroup 3127 (DMR): Minnesota Statewide
- Talkgroup 31273 (DMR): Northstar (North Dakota and Northern Minnesota)
- XLX632 (D-STAR): This has replaced the former Reflector 53A. Most D-STAR repeaters in Minnesota are linked to this reflector, including several in Minneapolis.