My Radios

HF Radios

My IC-7300 on first power up when I got it in March 2019.
  • Icom IC-7300
    My main HF rig at home. I purchased it in March of 2019 and absolutely love it. As of July 2024 I have access to 80m-6m, so expect to see me on a lot of 20m and 40m voice and FT8.
  • Icom IC-7200
    My former main HF rig. I’ve had it for over 5 years now and it’s a solid rig. This rig mainly sees use for POTA activations, though I haven’t done a ton of that lately.
  • Yaesu FT-817ND
    Scored this on eBay a few years ago with the premise I would do some portable operating. Well I haven’t done as much portable operating as I had hoped, but it is still a great radio to have in the arsenal.

VHF/UHF Radios

  • Yaesu FTM-400XDR
    So nice, I bought it twice! Okay kinda. I purchased my first one in October 2019, replacing an FTM-100DR (see below) I had in my 2018 F-150, as I wanted true dual VFO for APRS. This one made the move to my 2021 F-150, that install I did document on the F150 Gen14 forums. My second one was purchased used in October 2020 to be installed in one of the trucks I use at work, but I got an FTM-300DR instead. So the second FTM-400 is now in the shack as a base.
  • Yaesu FTM-200DR
    In October 2023 I updated the radio in the WIRES-X/YSF Bridge for CQ-NODAK to an FTM-200DR. It just sits there and runs in the background, so I really haven’t used it a ton. But conversly, it’s been on 24/7 for 9 months and is a solid performer so far.
  • TYT TH-9000D
    This is a knock off of the Alinco DR-138/438, but in a 220 MHz flavor. This was purchased for a future 220 MHz Allstar node I plan to put up in the shed. As of July 2024 it’s 90% built, I just need to upgrade some power in the shed to accommodate it. Hope to have that done in Fall 2024.
  • Yaesu FTM-100DR
    I originally purchased this in 2017 after the second System Fusion repeater signed on in the area. This rig ran shotgun in my truck for roughly two years until I upgraded to the FTM-400XDR. After being assigned to base duty, and then as a dedicated APRS beacon for a road trip in January 2020, this became the heart of my WIRES-X/YSF Bridge for CQ-NODAK until October 2023 when it was replaced with an FTM-200DR. I have not yet decided where this radio will live moving forward.
  • Icom ID-880H
    This is my former mobile VHF/UHF rig, and the star of my 2014 Ford Escape Install that I still get tons of hits on to this day. It is D-STAR capable. While a little outdated in terms of D-STAR features, it’s still a great radio that sees lots of use.
  • Yaesu FT-1900
    My former former mobile VHF rig. Actually it got used mobile maybe for 4 months. It was installed right when I got licensed in my 2007 Ford Taurus. Shortly thereafter I traded in the Taurus for the aforementioned Escape, and needed something with a removable head. This rig is now in use as a base in my office at work, where it sees no use. I may repurpose it for another project.
  • Kenwood TM-2550A
    I picked up this rig a ham fest several years ago to serve as a 2m base for my office at work. Through various upgrades elsewhere the Kenwood is retired from regular use.
  • Yaseu FTM-300DR – SOLD AUGUST 2023
    This was purchased in October 2020 for use in one of the trucks I use at work. The menu structure very much mimics the FT3DR. I know people like the smaller head on this radio, but I have to be honest, I think the FTM-400 is better. In any case, this sees pretty regular use during the week. UPDATE: This radio was sold to a friend in August 2023.


Handheld Radios

  • Yaesu FT5D (System Fusion)
  • Yaesu FT3D (System Fusion)
  • Yaesu FT2D (System Fusion)
  • Yaesu FT1XD (System Fusion)
  • Yaesu FT70 (System Fusion)\
  • Yaesu VX-6R
  • Icom ID-31A (D-STAR)
  • Icom IC-80AD (D-STAR)
  • AnyTone AT-D878UV PLUS II (DMR)
  • AnyTone AT-D878UV PLUS (DMR)
  • TYT MD-380 (DMR)
  • Several Baofeng UV5Rs of various flavors

Updated 7/21/2024